Hiv itself or the drugs you re taking to treat it conditions you had before you got hiv infections stress depression diet aging other drugs.
The side effects of aids hiv.
These side effects may go away after a few days or a few weeks.
About four weeks after contracting hiv human immunodeficiency virus you may experience flu like symptoms including fever rash sore throat nausea swollen glands and achy joints.
Longer term side effects can involve increased levels in blood fats and sugars changes in kidney or liver function or thinning of the bones.
More information is available in the side effects guide.
Flat or raised red spots with blisters in the center blisters in the mouth eyes genitals or other moist areas peeling skin that causes painful sores fever headache.
Symptoms of severe rashes include.
In addition people taking the same hiv medicine can have different side effects.
Contact your hiv clinic or accident emergency at your local hospital if your hiv clinic is closed.
You ll be monitored to see if you develop early signs of any of these side effects.
Side effects from hiv medicines may last only a few days or weeks.
For example nausea fatigue and trouble sleeping are some short term side effects of hiv medicines.
You may remain symptomless for some time however.
Sometimes you ll have headaches an upset stomach fatigue or aches and pains.