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Thinking putty on carpet.
Use a towel or paper towels to.
Soak the spot with wd 40 let the wd 40 sit for 20 minutes pick the large pieces of silly putty off with a butter knife take 3 tsp of oxi clean and warm water and pour it on the area take tooth brush and brush the spot take a cloth and rub it over the area.
Uncategorized how to remove thinking putty from carpet.
Home uncategorized how to remove thinking putty from carpet.
Use this to cover the area that the silly putty stain.
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Use a cotton ball or a washcloth and soak it in the cup.
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How to get magic putty out of carpet.
Masuzi february 25 2018.
Crazy aaron s thinking putty mini tin assortment exclusive effective way to get silly putty out of carpet you how to get silly putty out of carpet 13 steps with pictures how to get silly putty out of carpet 13 steps with pictures how to remove thinking putty from almost anything you.
Silly putty out of carpet how to remove thinking putty from the easy way to remove silly putty from silly putty or slime out of your carpet.